3 Game-Changing Productivity Tools & Apps
As much as I love to use a good ol’ note pad and pen to be productive, there are a few tools and apps that I want to share with you that take things to the next level!
FocusMate is a virtual co-working platform. All you have to do is set a time on the platform where you want to check some things off of your to-do list, and the platform will match you with a stranger (likely in another part of the world) to help hold you accountable as they tackle their to-do list, too.
The concept is simple: you spend the first couple of minutes sharing what you’ll work on, then you’ll turn off your camera and mic (unless you and your partner agree otherwise) and work. At the end of the time, you’ll come back on and give a progress update.
This is a great way to have a legitimate meeting with someone on your calendar (instead of an open space that gets filled by non-relevant meetings) where you can tackle your work.
2. Pomodoro App
Pomodoro is not just a kind of tomato sauce…it’s also a time management concept!
Here’s how it works: You set a timer for a work time slot (it could be 25 minutes, 45 minutes…whatever you’d like) and focus on your work without distractions.
When the timer ends, you’ll go on an intentional break (depending on the length of time you’ve set your Pomodoro to, this could be anywhere from a 5 minute to 15 minute break).
Why do this? Well, studies show that your brain takes some time to focus on a task and then after a peak when you’re in the zone, you start to lose focus again. It’s like an “n” shaped bell curve.
The longer time you try spending on a task, the less likely you’re efficiently using your ability to focus.
So instead, you want to do shorter bursts of productive times (25-45 minutes) to maximize your focus time, and then follow those up with intentionally taking a break.
The break part is the key - you may find that doing two 45-minute focus times with a 15-minute break in-between each is way more effective than doing one 90 minute stretch of focus time.
3. Brain.fm
Brain.fm is a music app with a twist: instead of trying to entertain you with the latest tunes, it’s designed to have specific tempos and rhythms that help you get “in the zone”.
When I find myself procrastinating, I find it really helpful to put in my earbuds and turn this on and next thing I know I am speeding through menial tasks like a boss.
Extra: Atomic Habits by James Clear
Why not throw a book recommendation in?
This isn’t a tool or an app (heck, it's more about performance than about time management), but I highly recommend that you check out the book Atomic Habits by James Clear .
He delves into how micro habits can lead to big impact, so this is perfect if you’re looking to follow through on habit change.
Here’s my favorite quote:
“If you can get 1 percent better each day for one year, you’ll end of thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done. ”
There you have it! If you’re keen for more tips, check out this free series I put together: